Setting Up a Refurbished iPad

  1. Once iPad has restarted, the “Hello” screen will appear.
  2. Press the Home button to open to start set-up.
  3. Select a Language > select “English”.
  4. Select Your Country or Region > select “United States”
  5. On the Quick Start screen, select “Set Up Manually”
  6. Choose a Wi-Fi Network and log into the Wi-Fi.
  7. On the Data & Privacy screen, select “Continue”
  8. On the Create a Passcode screen, select “Passcode Options” > then select “Don’t Use Passcode” > then select “Don’t Use Passcode” again.
  9. On the Apps & Data screen > select “Don’t Transfer Apps & Data”
  10. Enter your Apple ID & Password (Note: If you do not have one, you’ll need to create one in order to operate the tablet and download Kiosk Pro Lite from the App Store.)
  11. On the Terms and Conditions screen > select “Agree”
  12. On the Express Settings screen, select "Continue”
  13. On the Keep Your iPad Up to Date screen, select "Continue”
  14. On the Screen Time screen, select "Set Up Later in Settings”
  15. On the App Analytics screen, select "Don’t Share”
  16. On the Quick Access to the Dock screen, select "Continue”
  17. On the Switch Between Recent Apps screen, select "Continue”
  18. On the Quickly Access Controls screen, select "Continue”
  19. “Welcome to iPad” message will display > select Get Started.

Configuring the Settings

  1. Click into the Settings App and on the General tab click:
    1. In the AirDrop tab > select “Receiving Off” 
    2. In the Handoff tab > toggle the button to Turn Off “Handoff” 
    3. In the Multitasking & Dock tab > toggle the buttons to turn off the following: “Allow Multiple Apps”, “Picture in Picture”, “Gestures”, and “Show Suggested and Recent Apps”
    4. In the Background App Refresh tab > toggle the button to Turn Off “Background App Refresh”
  2. Once that is done, go into the Finish Setting Up Your iPad tab.
    1. Select “Set Up Passcode”
    2. On the Create a Passcode screen >  select "Passcode Options” > select "Don’t Use Passcode” > confirm by selecting “Don’t Use Passcode”
  3. Next, go into the Bluetooth tab.
    1. Toggle the button to Turn Off “Bluetooth”
  4. Next, go into the Notifications tab.
    1. In the Show Previews tab > select “Never”
    2. In the Siri Suggestions tab > toggle the buttons for each app and turn them off.
    3. Go through each tab starting from App Store to Wallet > toggle the buttons to Turn Off “Allow Notifications”
  5. After Notifications are all off, go into the Sounds tab.
    1. Toggle the button to Turn Off “Keyboard Clicks”
  6. Next, go into the Control Center tab.
    1. Toggle the button to Turn Off “Access Within Apps”.
  7. Then, go into the Display & Brightness tab.
    1. In the Auto-Lock tab > select “Never”
  8. Go into the Siri tab.
    1. Toggle the button to Turn Off “Press Home for Siri” > select “Turn Off Siri”
    2. Toggle the button to Turn Off “Suggestions in Search”
    3. Toggle the button to Turn Off “Suggestions in Look Up”
    4. Toggle the button to Turn Off “Suggestions on Lock Screen”
    5. Go through each tab starting from App Store to Voice Memos > toggle every button that appears to Off
  9. Next, go into the Privacy tab to verify that “Location Services” is Off.
    1. If on, in the Location Services tab > toggle the button to Turn Off “Location Services” > select “Turn Off”
  10. Go to the Messages tab.
    1. In the Send & Receive tab > select "Apple ID: [email protected]” > select "Sign Out”
  11. Go to the FaceTime tab.
    1. In the Apple ID: [email protected] tab > select "Sign Out”
  12. After, go into the Music tab.
    1. In the Apple ID: [email protected] tab > select "Sign Out”
    2. Then, toggle the button to Turn Off “Show Apple Music”
  13. Then, go into the Photos tab.
    1. Toggle the button to Turn Off “iCloud Photos” > select “Remove from iPad” > confirm and select "Remove from iPad”
  14. Go into the Game Center tab.
    1. Toggle the button to Turn Off “Game Center” 

How to Download Kiosk Pro Lite

  1. Open the App Store.
  2. Search for “Kiosk Pro Lite”
  3. Download “Kiosk Pro Lite” and click Open once completed.

Organize Home Screen icons

  1. Click and hold an app until they all begin to shake.
  2. Click the “X” to remove and uninstall every app that has one except Kiosk Pro Lite.
  3. Then, drag one app on top of another app to create a folder. 
  4. Drag the remaining apps one by one into that folder except for Kiosk Pro Lite and Settings.
  5. Drag Kiosk Pro Lite, Settings, and the app folder onto the dock bar at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Press the Home Button to secure the new app placements.

Configure Kiosk Pro Lite

After downloading and opening the app:

1. Go to the Homepage section

2. Enter the URL for your kiosk (ex:

3. Select Show Settings on Touch Gesture & Passcode

a. Gesture = Touching 4 corners of the screen simultaneously then releasing to open the pin pad pop-up

4. ADMIN – Enter Passcode 4 digit string to prevent seeing settings/URL on launch


5. Go to Display and Make sure everything is turned OFF


6. Go to Content Refresh - Idle Time Limit – Set with nothing entered (blank it out)


7. Click the "Run Kiosk Presentation" button up top to launch your digital kiosk


Note: The basic Kiosk Pro Lite settings above allow access to the Home Page of the tablet by clicking the Home button. To Prevent this, and disallow access to the Home Page enable Guided Access. 

Setting Up Guided Access

Follow the instructions below to protect the kiosk URL with a pin and prevent access to the tablet's Home Page.

Note: on iPad v4, the Kiosk Pro Lite Show iPad Status Bar option must be disabled in order for Guided Access to function properly  

After configuring Kiosk Pro Lite:

1. Click the Home Button > Go to iPad Settings > General Tab


2. Click Accessibility > Guided Access


3. Turn Guided Access ON

4. Click Passcode Settings


5. Click Guided Access Passcode and set the passcode > Guided Access is now ready to Activate on Kiosk Pro Lite


Note: on iPad Air or iPads running iOS12+, there's another option called Mirror Display Auto-Lock that you would have to toggle ON.


6. Click the Home button > Click the Kiosk Pro Lite icon and make sure that the kiosk is displaying

7. Press the Home button three (3) times and the Guided Access Options should display

8. Click the Hardware or Options buttons and choose which options to allow


11. Click Start to lock Kiosk Pro Lite in Guided Access mode.

Skip the “Backup iPad Configuration to iCloud” section if iPads will be set up manually moving forward, or if configurations have been backed up to iCloud already. To finish your setup, go to the Sign Out of iCloud section. 

Backup iPad Configuration to iCloud

This section saves the iPad’s configuration to iCloud and will help expedite future iPad setups. It saves all of the settings setup in this guide as well as the Kiosk Pro Lite settings (including the pin and Kiosk URL.) 

Note: This should be done once to avoid confusion and multiple Backups.

  1. In the Settings app, go into the iCloud Profile tab.
  2. Starting with Photos to Find My iPad > Toggle each button to Off and follow prompts (if they appear)
  3. In the iCloud Backup tab > select “Back Up Now”
  4. Confirm the Backup was successful below, a “Last successful backup: [TIME]” 
  5. Proceed to Sign Out of iCloud to finish the setup.

Sign Out of iCloud 

  1. Go into the iCloud Profile tab.
  2. Verify all the iCloud settings are off.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the iCloud section, there should be a “Sign Out” button.
  4. Click “Sign Out”
  5. A confirmation window will appear, confirm by clicking “Sign Out” 
  6. Then, go into the iTunes & App Store tab.
  7. If still signed in, Click “Apple ID: [email protected]
  8. A pop-up will appear, click “Sign Out.”

CONGRATS! The device is now ready for kiosk use.

See Related Article: Configure Kiosk Pro Lite for iPad