By integrating the mobile platform with a Shopify Store, new consumers can easily be converted into mobile subscribers and more. The integration options described below are purely one-directional, and only process actions FROM Shopify TO the Mobile Platform. Follow the steps below to activate a Shopify integration that will OPTIN CONTACTS, UPDATE CONTACTS, and process KIOSK CHECK-INS. 

Note: The integration options described below require certain features to be present and active within the account on the mobile platform (ex: campaigns and kiosks). For guidance on creating these features, please see the related articles below.



See Related Article: KIOSK - CREATING A KIOSK


See Related Article: TRIGGER MESSAGING

Validate Connection to Shopify

A connection between the mobile platform and the desired Shopify account must be established before integrations can occur. 

Step 1. Sign-In to Shopify

Open two browser tabs, and use the first tab to sign in to the desired Shopify Account.

Step 2. 

From within the Shopify Account ( click Settings, click Notifications, and scroll to the bottom of the page, and locate WEBHOOKS. 

Step 3. 

Copy the "Your webhooks will be signed with " code. 

Step 4. - Sign in to the Mobile Platform

In the second tab, sign in to the desired account on the mobile platform then click Messaging and click Gateway API.

Step 5.

Click the prompt to access the system's v2 APIs.  

Step 6. 

Click the API Integration Tab. 

Step 7.

Use the drop-down menu to select Shopify, then click the NEXT button.

Step 8.

In the space provided insert the Shopify Store URL and paste the "Your webhooks will be signed with" code into the Webhook Signature field and click SAVE. 

The system will display that the connection between the mobile platform and Shopify is Not Validated.

Step 9.

To validate the connection, click the edit icon for the Shopify integration and use the steps in the Activate Integration Option section to enable one of the options (ex Contact Optin).

Step 10. Send Validation Test

Once the selected step is completed, and the Webhook is saved (ex: Customer Creation), click the 3 dots shown below on Shopify and then click Send Test to process a test of the connection. 

The system will validate the connection between the mobile platform and Shopify.

Note: Validation only needs to be done once to confirm a connection between Shopify and the account on the mobile platform. 

Activate Integration Options

Each option relates to a specific action occurring on Shopify and requires the activation of specific Webhooks within the Shopify account. 


Contact Opt-in -

When a new contact is created in Shopify, the contact will be opted into the selected mobile campaign. This action requires an active Customer Creation Webhook. 

Note: The newly opted-in contacts will not be sent a welcome message from the system. As a matter of compliance, opted-in contacts need to be sent a confirmation message from the mobile platform with the option to opt out. Target Lists and Trigger Messages need to be activated for the account to send the newly created contacts a welcome message with the footer, "Reply STOP to cancel, msg&data rates may apply."

To Activate - 

Step 1. Check mark the selection and use the drop-down menu to select the desired mobile campaign. 

Step 2. Copy the URL provided.

Step 3. From within the Shopify Account ( open the Settings menu, click Notifications and scroll to the bottom of the page, and locate WEBHOOKS. 


Step 5. Use the Event drop-down menu to select "Customer Creation," leave the Format as JSON, paste the URL from the mobile platform settings into the URL field, use the Webhook API Version drop-down to select 2024-01 (Latest), and click SAVE. 


Has the Connection Been Validated?

Contact Update -

When a contact's information (ex: First Name, Last Name, Email) or SMS consent is updated in Shopify, the contact will be updated on the mobile platform. Contacts that opt out of messaging by revoking SMS consent on Shopify will be opted out of messaging on the mobile platform. This action requires 3 active Webhooks; Customer Creation, Customer Update, and Customer SMS Marketing Consent Update. 

Note: If the contact does not already exist in the mobile platform, their profile will be created. However, the Contact Update Integration does not opt them into a mobile campaign and it does not deliver a welcome message. To opt the contact into a mobile campaign, please activate the Contact Opt-in option. 

To Activate - 

Step 1. Check mark the selection.

Step 2. Copy the URL provided.

Step 3. From within the Shopify Account ( open the Settings menu, click Notifications and scroll to the bottom of the page, and locate WEBHOOKS. 


Step 5. Use the Event drop-down menu to select "Customer SMS Marketing Consent Update," leave the Format as JSON, paste the URL from the mobile platform settings into the URL field, use the Webhook API Version drop-down to select 2024-01 (Latest), and click SAVE. 


Step 6. Click CREATE WEBHOOK again

Step 7. Use the Event drop-down menu to select "Customer Update," leave the Format as JSON, paste the same URL from the mobile platform settings into the URL field, use the Webhook API Version drop-down to select 2024-01 (Latest), and click SAVE. 


Step 8. Click CREATE WEBHOOK again

Step 9. Use the Event drop-down menu to select "Customer Creation," leave the Format as JSON, paste the same URL from the mobile platform settings into the URL field, use the Webhook API Version drop-down to select 2024-01 (Latest), and click SAVE. 


Note: Do not create another CONTACT CREATION webhook in Shopify if it is already active as part of the Contact Opt-In Integration Option.

Has the Connection Been Validated?

Kiosk Check-in -

When a new order or payment is made to the Shopify Store, the contact information will be processed through the selected kiosk and button on the mobile platform. This action requires 2 active Webhooks; Order Payment and Order Creation.  

What occurs when the information is processed through the kiosk is no different than if the consumer were to use a physical kiosk, and is specific to the button selected. 

  • Opt-in 1 & Opt-in 2 - If either button is selected, the contact will be opted-in to the mobile campaign and will be sent the campaign's opt-in filter, and, or, welcome message. To prevent the welcome message from sending more than once per contact, please use the Opt-In Management tab for the campaign and activate "Contest (Restrict Multiple Entries)."

  • Loyalty - If this button is selected, and the contact is newly opted-in to the campaign, they will be sent the campaign's opt-in filter, and, or, a welcome message. All contacts processed through this button will receive 1 check-in towards the campaign's loyalty program. If the submission results in a check-in that earns the contact a reward, they will be sent the corresponding loyalty reward message. 

  • Loyalty + Data - If this button is selected, and the contact is newly opted-in to the campaign, they will be sent the campaign's opt-in filter, and, or, a welcome message. This option cannot be used when the button is set to "DATA CAPTURE." The current integration ONLY processes through this button when configured for "QUANTITY SELECTOR." All contacts processed through this button will receive a check-in to the loyalty program representing their rounded purchase amount (ex: $9.75 spent = 10 check-ins). If the submission results in a check-in that earns the contact a reward, they will be sent the corresponding loyalty reward message. 

To Activate - 

Step 1. Check mark the selection.

Step 2. Copy the URL provided.

Step 3. From within the Shopify Account ( open the Settings menu, click Notifications and scroll to the bottom of the page, and locate WEBHOOKS. 


Step 5. Use the Event drop-down menu to select "Order Creation," leave the Format as JSON, paste the URL from the mobile platform settings into the URL field, use the Webhook API Version drop-down to select 2024-01 (Latest), and click SAVE. 


Step 6. Click CREATE WEBHOOK again

Step 7. Use the Event drop-down menu to select "Order Payment," leave the Format as JSON, paste the same URL from the mobile platform settings into the URL field, use the Webhook API Version drop-down to select 2024-01 (Latest), and click SAVE. 


Has the Connection Been Validated?