The Mobile Summary report provides a comprehensive overview of your account activity. You can view a timeline graph of your sent and received messages, get an overview of your contacts, breakdown of incoming messages, and summary of delivery statuses.

To access the Mobile Summary, click Reports from the main menu, then click Mobile Summary.

The legend in the top right corner of the page lets you adjust the time frame, select which keywords you want to monitor, and choose how you would like your activity displayed (Hours, days, months).

The Contacts Overview will give you an analysis of how many total contacts were added, the source of their opt-in, as well as a breakdown of contacts removed. 

The Messages Overview shows the total messages sent & breaks-down received messages by: Incoming Replies, Keyword Opt-ins, Stop Requests, and data capture responses.

The Delivery Status Summary provides a total count of the different delivery statuses for your sent messages.

Finally, if a message does get rejected or fails on the carrier gateway, often times there will be reason provided by the carrier. The Sent Message Rejection/Failed Summary will display these reasons.

 Watch: Video Tutorial - Mobile Summary