In addition to sending MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) texts, your system can also receive MMS. The MMS INBOX houses all MMS images received by your user account. 

To access the MMS Inbox, click Reports from the platform menu, then click MMS Inbox

The Inbox is comprised of a running list of inbound messages. Each listing includes the short code and keyword that received the message, any subject or text message it contained, the mobile number that sent the message, the image content, and date/time it was received.

The Inbox can be filtered by Date Range, Keyword, Mobile, Message, Subject, and Carrier.

Click the contact’s mobile number to send them a one-time message.

To view and download the message and image content of the MMS, click the VIEW MESSAGE icon next to the message. You can also download a folder of images in the top right corner of the screen.