The Kiosk Summary Report provides information and analysis of kiosk activity and some overall account activity. The data displayed is based on the date range selected. This report can be viewed within the account, printed and downloaded as PDF, and programmed for automatic email delivery to designated addresses.


Follow the steps below to access the report:

Step 1.

Click Reports, then click Kiosk Summary Report.

Step 2.

Use the drop down menu provided to select the desired Kiosk or Kiosk Group.

Note: When selecting All Kiosks or a Kiosk Group, the Kiosk Submission Report is omitted.

Step 3.

Enter the desired Start and End date, then click the magnifying glass icon to generate the report.  

Review the Report Data section below to understand the various information and activity this report displays. 

Report Data

  • Repeat Visitors
  • Top Loyalty Customers
  • Loyalty Kiosk
  • Contacts
  • Messages
  • Mobile Coupons
  • Daily Kiosk Usage & Usage by Hour
  • Activity Bar Chart
  • Kiosk Submission Report
  • Print, Download & Automate Email Reports

Repeat Visitors - This Pie Chart represents the frequency that contacts who used the kiosk during the date range selected are returning to interact with the kiosk. The color coding reflects grouping by visit. New Opt-Ins, 1 Return Visit, 2-3 Return Visits, 4-5 Return Visits, 6+ Return Visits.

Top Loyalty Customers - This Pie Chart represents the mobile numbers of the contacts with the highest number of visits during the date range selected. 

Loyalty Kiosk - This section displays the type of activity recorded with a corresponding color that serves as a useful key for the Activity Bar Chart. 

  • Green    = New contacts who just joined the loyalty program.
  • Orange  = Existing members of the loyalty program who are checking in again.
  • Blue       = Existing members of the loyalty program who earned a reward. 
  • Pink       = Contacts who redeemed a coupon.

Contacts - This section of the report reflects the number of contacts across the account, for the life of the account. Most data in this section is not changed by the date range selected. 

  • Contacts Opted Out - The number of contacts who opted out of messaging for the date range selected. 
  • Current Total Supported Contacts - Contacts that provided a valid mobile number over the lifetime of the account.
  • Current Keyword Opted-In Contacts -  Contacts that have opted into a keyword campaign over the lifetime of the account. 
  • Percentage of Opted-In vs. Support - This stat represents the percentage of contacts with valid mobiles who are also opted-in to a keyword campaign. 

MessagesThis section displays a breakdown messages sent during the date range selected. 

  • Total Account Sent Messages - The overall number of messages sent from the account. 
  • Total Messages Sent - The total number of messages sent from campaigns linked to the selected kiosk. 
  • Auto - Engage Messages Sent - The number of Standard or Group Auto-Engage messages sent for the selected kiosk. If auto-engage is not active for the selected kiosk or kiosk group, the number will be 0. 
  • Social Media Links Sent - If there is a social media button active the kiosk, this section will show the number of "Social Media Like" messages that were sent. 
  • Opt-Ins - The number of opt-in messages sent from the campaigns linked to the selected kiosk. 

Mobile Coupons - This section reflects coupon activity for the whole account as well as the redemption rate for offers redeemed both ON and OFF the kiosk. 

  • Coupon Issued in Date Range - The number of coupons issued within the date range selected. 
  • Coupon Redeemed in Date Range - The number of coupons that were both issued and redeemed during the date range selected. 
  • Redemption Rate - A simple calculation that takes the number of issued coupons and divides it by the number of coupons redeemed to get an overall redemption rate. 
  • Total Redeemed ON Kiosk - These are all the coupons that were redeemed on the kiosk, but may have been issued prior to the data range selected. 
  • Total Redeemed OFF Kiosk - These are all the coupons that were redeemed using the coupon widget on the contacts' cellphone, or API, but may have been issued prior to the date range selected. 
  • Total Coupon Redemptions - The total number of coupons redeemed, both on and off the kiosk, for the date range selected. 

Note: To see the redemption rate of a specific coupon, edit the desired coupon from the Mobile Coupons menu. The coupon Stats in the top right hand corner of the screen will display the redemption rate for that specific offer.


Daily Kiosk Usage & Usage by Hour - This section is omitted for All Kiosk and Kiosk Group reports, and only appears on reports generated for single kiosks. This data shows kiosk activity broken down by time ranges, and hour. This is useful data to understand when the kiosk sees more activity or less, and it can be compared to foot traffic on location to make sure contacts are interacting with the kiosk as much as possible. When viewing the live report in the account, click the magnifying glass icon in the Daily Usage section to view the 6 hour interval of activity in the Usage By Hour section. 

Note: The Daily Kiosk Usage magnifying glass icons are not clickable in Printed, Exported, and Emailed PDFs.


Activity Bar Chart - This section displays the type of activity happening on a daily basis, using the same color coding found in the Loyalty Kiosk section. 

The dialogue icon that appears underneath a bars indicates that a text blast was sent on the specific date. When viewing the live report in the account, click the dialogue icon to view the blasts that were sent. 

The Dialog icons are not clickable in Printed, Exported, and Emailed PDFs.

Kiosk Submission History - This section is an activity log of every number entered into the kiosk and the action that was recorded, in the order it was received.

This section appears when viewing the live report in the account or printing the report from within the account. This section is omitted from downloads and emailed reports. 

Click the icon on the header of this section to view the Kiosk Submission Log itself. 

Print, Download & Automate Reports - Icons appear in the upper right hand corner of the page that allow for printing, downloading, and automating email reports. 

  • Printer Icon -  Print-screen the report currently being views as a PDF.  
  • Email Icon - Use this section to automate reports to be sent to email addresses. The Kiosk Summary will be sent as a PDF attachment to the email that is composed in this section.  
  • Floppy Disc Icon - Download a PDF version of the displayed report. Renders the same type of PDF attached to the automated emails. 

See Related Article: Reports- How to Automate a Report