The Contacts summary shows a breakdown of the Contacts in your account. 

To access the Contact summary, click Contacts from the main menu.


Click the + icon to expand each section and view the breakdown by carrier.  

  • Total Contacts - All the contacts in the account. 

  • Supported Opted-In - Valid Mobile Numbers (This is the number of contacts that can receive your text message)

  • Pending Consent - Total contacts that have not provided TCPA consent and cannot receive messages.

  • Pending Opt-In Confirmation - Contacts that have not replied to a campaign's opt-in filter and will not receive messages.

  • Opted Out Contacts - Customers who no longer want to participate in a mobile program. 

  • Non-Supported Contacts - Contacts who have provided a landline, an invalid number, or who use an unsupported carrier. 

Note: Clicking the Delete All Contacts button will remove all the contacts from account.

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