Note: BEFORE you send an invite out to your customers, please do your due diligence to ensure that you are sending out your invite to recent contacts only. Sending out a TCPA invite to an old database will not only unsettle contacts but will result in a very low optin rate. Please try to build your database organically as much as possible as this will yield the best results when it comes to contacts engaging with your business. 

Table of Contents

Step 1.

Click Contacts from the platform menu.

Step 2.

Locate the Pending TCPA Consent row of the Contacts Table. This field reflects all the contacts currently who have yet to provide consent to receive messages. Click the Send TCPA Invite button.  

Step 3.

The TCPA Invite page is where you will construct and send your message. The first section is all about TCPA Options. 

Note: To protect contacts from receiving excessive invites, a TCPA invite can be sent to a mobile number no more than 1 time during the lifetime of that number within an account. Period.

  • Select Recipients - Determine who is going to receive the message. 

  • Select Campaign - Select the campaign your contacts are going to be opted in to IF they consent. 

  • Select Send Date/Time - Select when you want the message to be sent. It is always recommended that you plan your messages in advance and give yourself time to review your message and edit if necessary. 

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Step 4.

Use the TCPA Invite Message section to craft your invite to your contacts. Certain elements of the message are hard coded (Reply Y & Footers). These are the same regardless of the type of program you are running. These components are there to make sure that your message is compliant with TCPA regulations. 

  • Include Webform Consent - By selecting YES, the message will contain a link that the contact can use to provide consent by re-entering their mobile number instead of replying Y.

  • Approx Messages / Month - Enter the approximate number of messages the contact can expect to receive per month. 

  • Customize Your Message - Use the text fields provided to craft your message. The Message Preview section will display a sample of the text

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Step 5.

Determine whether or not you want the system to issue a confirmation message if your contact decides to opt-in. The system defaults this option to None. You will need to change it to either a message from the campaign they are joining OR a custom message. 

Note: If you want to send customers an offer once they join, you MUST use the campaign to do so. 

Once you have your invite parameters set click the Send Invite button. 

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Step 6.

Use the right-hand side of the TCPA Invite page to review your invite history. 

  • TCPA Invite History - Click the +  to view invite history and delete a scheduled invite. 

  • Contacts w/ Pending Invites - Click the + to view a list of contacts who have not replied to previous invites.

  • Contacts Available For This Invite - Click the + to view a list of contacts who have not yet received a TCPA invite. 

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