Table of Contents

Contact Data Parameters

First Name

Search by First Name that matches specific criteria or where First Name IS or IS NOT blank.

Last Name

Search by Last Name that matches specific criteria or where Last Name IS or IS NOT blank.


Search by Mobile Number that matches specific criteria. Note: Mobile cannot be blank.

Area Code

Search by selected Area Code(s) from those present within the account. Allows for IS IN LIST or NOT IN LIST selection.  Note: Area Code cannot be blank.


Search by selected Carrier(s) from those present within the account. Allows for IS IN LIST or NOT IN LIST selection.

Email Address

Search by Email that matches specific criteria or where Email IS or IS NOT blank.


Search by Address that matches specific criteria or where Address IS or IS NOT blank   

Address 2

Search by Address 2 that matches specific criteria or where Address 2 IS or IS NOT blank  


Search by City that matches specific criteria or where City IS or IS NOT blank  


Search by State that matches specific criteria or where State IS or IS NOT blank 


Search by selected Zip Code(s) from those present within the account. Allows for IS IN LIST or NOT IN LIST selection


Search by Country that matches specific criteria or where Country IS or IS NOT blank  


Search by Birthday that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria or where Birthday IS blank. 


Search by Gender that matches specific criteria or where Gender IS or IS NOT blank Note: Only available values are Male and Female.  

Date Created

Search by Date Created that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria. Note: Date Created is specific to when the contact’s mobile was first entered into the account.

Contact Source
Search by Contact Source from those present within the account. Note: Contact Source is specific to how a contact's mobile first entered into the account.
Contact Last Update
Search by Last Update made to any of the contact's 14 standard database fields that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria. 
Last Custom Update
Search by Last Update made to any of the contact's 10 custom database fields that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria.

Custom 1-10

Search by Custom Field 1 - Custom Field 10 that matches specific criteria Note: Available criteria is dependent on database field set-up and differs when set to Date Field, Proper Case, Numbers Only, or unselected.  

  • Date Fields - Search by Custom Fields 1 - 10 that match specific static or dynamic date criteria or where the Custom Field is blank.

Imported File

Search by Imported File(s) from those present within the account. Allows only for IS IN LIST selection.  

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Messaging Data Parameters

Received Text

Search by Received Text that matches specific criteria.  

Received Date

Search by Received Date that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria.


Search by selected Keyword(s) from those present within the account. Allows for IN LIST or NOT IN LIST selection

Number of Opt-Ins

Search by Number of Opt-Ins (Loyalty Points) value that matches specific criteria

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Kiosk Data Parameters


Search by Kiosk Name(s) from those present within the account. Allows for IN LIST or NOT IN LIST selection.

Joined Loyalty

Search by Joined Loyalty Date that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria.  Note: This is Specific to Kiosk activity and will not count web-form entries or text-ins.

Last Checked-In

Search by Last Checked-In Date that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria.   Note: This is Specific to Check-In Activity and does not capture Joins, Earned Rewards, or Redemptions. 

Check-In Count

Search by Check-In Count value that matches specific criteria

Last Reward Earned

Search by Last Reward Earned Date that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria.  Note: This is Specific to Reward Activity and does not capture coupons issued via other means. 

Reward Count

Search by Reward Count value that matches specific criteria

Last Coupon Redeemed

Search by Last Coupon Redeemed Date that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria Note: This captures any coupon redeemed on the kiosk. 

Redemption Count

Search by Redemption Count value that matches specific criteria

Last Activity (ALL)

Search by Last Activity Date that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria. Note: This includes Joins, Earned Rewards, Check-ins and Redemptions. 

Check-ins By Date Range
Search by Kiosk, Check-In Count & Check-In Type values that match specific static or dynamic date criteria.

Check-In Count

Search by Check-In Count (ALL KIOSKS) value that matches specific criteria

Reward Count


Search by Reward Count (ALL KIOSKS)  value that matches specific criteria

Redemption Count


Search by Redemption Count (ALL KIOSKS) value that matches specific criteria

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Coupon Data Parameters


Search by Kiosk Name(s) from those present within the account. Allows for IN LIST or NOT IN LIST selection.  Note: Produces list of contacts that were issued a coupon, regardless of coupon active status.

Issued Date

Search by Issued Date that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria. Note: Produces a list of contacts that were issued a coupon that is still available for redemption. For more specificity, use in conjunction with Coupon Name. 

Redemption Date

Search by Redemption Date that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria. Note: Produces a list of contacts that redeemed a coupon, regardless of coupon name or issue date. For more specificity, use in conjunction with Coupon Name, and/or, Coupon Issued Date. 

Coupon Redemption Location

Search by Coupons Redeemed at a specific Widget location from those present within the account. Allows for IN LIST or NOT IN LIST selection. Note: For more specificity, use in conjunction with Coupon Name. 

Expiration Date


Search by FUTURE Expiration Date that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria for your coupon. Note: It produces a list of contacts that have not yet redeemed a coupon that was programmed with an expiration date. It does not list available coupons with no expiration date. For more specificity, use in conjunction with Coupon Name, and, or, Coupon Issued Date. 

Expired - Coupon Name

Search by Expired Coupon(s) from those present within the account. Allows for IN LIST or NOT IN LIST selection. Note: Produces list of contacts that were issued a coupon that has expired. For more specificity, use in conjunction with Coupon Name. 

Expired - Issued Date

Search by Expired Issued Date that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria for your coupon. Note: Produces a list of contacts that were issued a coupon for the date selected that has expired. For more specificity, use in conjunction with Coupon Name. 

Expired - Coupon Expiration Date
Search by Expired Coupon Expiration Date that matches specific static or dynamic date criteria for your coupon. Note: Produces a list of contacts that had their coupons expire for the date criteria selected. For more specificity, use in conjunction with Coupon Name.

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Date References

Date related searches will display the variables below in the search fields:

  • Y = Year
    • Z = Dynamic Year

  • M = Month
    • N = Dynamic Month

  • D = Day
    • E = Dynamic Day

  • X = Specific Date 

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