Step 1.

Click Contacts from the main menu.

Step 2.

Locate and click the gear icon in the upper right hand corner of the page. 

Step 3. 

Click Database Setup.


Step 4.

Each account allows for 14 Standard Fields and up to 10 Custom Fields of data. Place a checkmark next to the data fields you wish to use in your Contacts Database. 

Step 5.

If activating Custom Data, check ON the custom data field you desire to activate and type in a name for your data. 

  • Date Field - check ON if the custom field will be used to collect dates.

  • Proper Case - check ON if the custom field will be used to collect names or titles and you wish for these to be formatted for proper case (ex: John, Jake, Trae) vs how they may have been received (ex: JOHN, jake, trae).

  • Numbers Only - check ON if the custom field will be used to collect numerical values  

Step 6.

Click the Submit button to save your settings.