In this document, we will show you how to take a webform you created and make it mobile friendly, which will allow you to send it in a text, post on social media or send in an email blast. If you haven’t yet done so, please review our Webform Wizard doc to create the webform needed to proceed.

See Related ArticleWebform Wizard

Step 1. 

Open the Design Your Form menu > Background section of your webform. Make sure your background height includes your entire webform and then go to the border width and set it to 0. 

NoteForgetting to put the border width to zero will result in a line showing up in your mobile webform. 

Step 2. 

Copy the embed code of the webform that you created. To do this click the add to webpage button above your webform. 


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- END EMBED CODE --><!-- START EMBED CODE --><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><!-- END EMBED CODE -->

Step 3. 

Go to Mobile Tools > Mobile Websites and create a New Mobile Webpage. 

Step 4. 

Once you are in your blank web page, click the Add Text button. 

Step 5. 

In your text field click the source button. 

Step 6. 

Once the source button has been selected you will see the following text. You will want to highlight the Update This Text ONLY (leaving BOTH <p> at the beginning and end) and paste in the embed code from earlier. Make sure to save the changes once this is complete. 

Step 7. 

From here you can modify your web page to brand it however you would like but your webform should be appearing on your page. 

Step 8. 

You can now take the URL above the cellphone and copy and paste that anywhere you would like the mobile web form to appear! 

Step 9. 

If you are using your mobile page in a text message to get your customers to provide information AFTER they have joined your program, you can use special code to auto-fill the phone number into the form so the customer doesn’t have to fill that information out again. 


Step 10. 

To use the mobile pass-through you will need to add the following code to the end of the embed code you pasted into your mobile web page. At the end of the GUID Number string BUT before the quotation mark paste  &mobile_phone=~m~ . The new code will look something like this:


Step 11. 

Now that your mobile webpage is set, you have to take your URL, or shortened URL (you MUST use the URL shortener in the account in order for the mobile pass through to work properly) and add the following code to your short URL in the text message: ?m=~mobile~

Step 12.

Now your form with a mobile pass-through is complete!