Choosing how to display a kiosk design on a device is a matter of necessity and personal choice. In terms of programming and signal demands the online and offline kiosk apps are completely different animals. Use the chart below to better understand how these apps compare and select a display method.

Features & Functions
Online Kiosk App
Offline Kiosk App*

Operating System Compatibility

Compatible with Android OS
Compatible with iOS / iPadOS
Root Access to device OS

WiFi & Data Signal Functions

Requires Stable/Continuous Internet Signal
Displays Offline Message when signal is lost 
Caches offline check-ins
Syncs cached check-ins when signal returns
Message Blackout Period
Message Expiration

Compatibility with 3rd Party Applications

Usable with Browser Lockdown Application
Usable with App Lockdown Application 

Digital Kiosk Wizard

Layout & Functionality

Allow/Disallow Landlines
Require/Don't Require Full Opt-in
Landscape/Portrait Orientation
Background Image/Position
Kiosk Layout (Full, Right & Left)
"Original" Slideshow
Slideshow Designer
Rotating Area Width
Only 50% Rotating Area
Rotating Area Color
Header Image
Footer Image
Primary Screen (All Buttons)
Up to 65% Rotating AreaOnly 50% Rotating Area
Pop-up Confirmation (All Buttons)
45% Rotating Area or Higher 
Loyalty Progress
Coupon Barcode
Check-In Multiplier
Send Social Media Link (All Buttons)
After Trigger (All Buttons)
Button Selection

Button Selection (All Buttons)
Multiple Check-ins
Instant Reward

* The offline kiosk app is vastly different from the online application in a variety of ways. Its caching abilities not only require more intensive programming, it places certain limitations on its functions. It is also susceptible to OS updates that interrupt legacy connections and this may cause issues when operating on newly released operating systems above Android 8.1.0.