The ability to un-redeem a reward can only be done through a Kiosk Check-In Manager. If this feature isn't active, it will need to be created in order to un-redeem the offer. 

Once the Kiosk Check-In Manager feature is active, the admin settings must also allow un-redeeming and deleting coupons. 

Once these two features are active, the steps to un-redeem a coupon are as follows: 

Step 1. 

Log into the Kiosk Check In Manager.

Step 2. 

Search for the phone number of the contact .

Step 3. 

Go to the Contacts' Detail Page.

Step 4.  

Find the Rewards Section and Click on the View Details.

Step 5. 

Once in this area, go to the top right hand corner and select Redeemed.

Step 6. 

This page will show all coupons redeemed from a customer and the option to un-redeem the coupon.