The verbiage of the Waitlist Confirmation Page is dependent on kiosk button page messages and the waitlist settings themselves. 

A) "New Check-in - kioskname" - This field cannot be hidden. The "kioskname" is controlled by the KIOSK URL itself.

B) "You've been added to the WAITLIST" - The only part of this statement that can be revised is WAITLIST. The label "WAITLIST" is controlled within the Waitlist tab of the KCM settings. 

C) "Thank you for checking in" - This statement appears for Self Entries when Data Sync is active on the kiosk, as well as for KCM entries when Data Sync is active to the waitlist. This statement is controlled by the kiosk's button page display messages. 

  • If your waitlist kiosk is using a mobile opt-in button:
    • Revise the initial opt-in message.

  • If your waitlist kiosk is using the loyalty button:
    • Revise the initial opt-in, already checked-in, standard check-in, 1 check-in, and goal reached messages.

  • If your waitlist kiosk is using the loyalty+data button set to:
    • Loyalty - Revise the initial opt-in, already checked-in, standard check-in, 1 check-in, and goal reached messages. 
    • Mobile Opt-in - you will only need to revise the initial opt-in message.

D) "Line Status" Button - This label is controlled within the Waitlist tab of the KCM settings. 

E) "Thank You" Button - The optional Thank You button and label is controlled within the Waitlist tab of the KCM settings.