Step 1.

Click Messaging from the main menu.

Step 2.

Click Mobile Campaigns.

Step 3. 

Click the pencil icon in the edit column of the campaign to be revised.

Then, use the campaign tabs to navigate to the specific content / features to be revised.



Click the Campaign Information Tab to... 

  • Revise the Campaign Name.

  • Add/edit a Description.

  • Change the Message Code.

  • Change the Campaign Type.

  • Deactivate/Activate the campaign.

  • Activate Extra Campaign Settings.

  • Revise Campaign Level Help/Stop contact information.

Note: Keywords cannot be changed within a campaign. To change a keyword after a campaign has been created, create a duplicate campaign and give it the desired keyword.

See Related ArticleCreate a Campaign

See Related ArticleDuplicate a Campaign

See Related ArticleDelete a Campaign


Click the Interactive Messages Tab to... 

  • Revise the campaign’s bounceback message.

  • Add/Edit additional interactive messages.

See Related ArticleEditing Interactive Messages

See Related ArticleAdding Interactive Messages

See Related ArticleOverview of Advanced Message Options

See Related ArticleInbound Reply Options

See Related ArticleMessage Personalization

See Related ArticleTime Delay

See Related ArticleInbound Data Capture

See Related ArticleDelivering Mobile Coupons

See Related ArticleMessage Templates


Click the Opt-In Contacts tab to…

  • View/export contacts that have opted-in to the campaign.

  • Select contacts to be opted out or to send targeted messages.


Click the Opt-In Management tab to…

  • Add or remove Age Verification, State Verification, or Double Opt-in filters.

  • Revise Contest opt-in restrictions.

  • Revise Loyalty Tiers, Reward Messages and their attached coupons.

See Related ArticleOpt-in Filters

See Related ArticleContest (Restrict Opt-ins)

See Related ArticleCreating a Loyalty Campaign



Click the Advanced Settings tab to…

  • Block all messages sent from the campaign - Any feature programmed to send messages from the blocked campaign will fail to send texts.

  • Block only the 001 message - This will prevent the contacts from receiving the 001 message of the campaign.

  • Omit Drop & Go Message - This will prevent the contacts from receiving any Drop & Go message sent from the campaign. (Requires an active Drop & Go feature)

  • Remove footer from all messages - This will remove the default footer from the bottom of all non-blast messages allowing access to the full SMS & MMS character limits (Requires Client Admin activation to access this campaign option)

  • Remove footer from Text Blasts - This will remove the default footer from the bottom of all blast messages, allowing access to the full SMS & MMS character limits (Requires Client Admin activation to access this campaign option)

  • Configure campaign level Inbound Email Notifications - This allows for designating a “to” email that will receive email notifications for selected interactions contacts have with the campaign.

  • Configure campaign level Inbound SMS Notifications - This allows for designating mobile numbers that will receive an SMS message whenever and end users interact with the campaign.

  • Configure Mobile Broadcasters - This allows you to designate mobile numbers that will be able to broadcast “emergency notifications” from their handset.

  • One Time Passwords - This setting is used in concert with a 2 Factor Authentication / One-Time Password Program. 

See Related ArticleConfigure Email Notifications

See Related ArticleConfigure Mobile Broadcasters

See Related Article: 2 Factor Authentication / One-Time Password Program