The system will generate an automated STOP or HELP message any time it receives a STOP/HELP request. Here is an example of each type of message:

  • HELP: You are opted into <CAMPAIGN NAME>. For more info, <”visit, call, or email”> <PREFERRED CONTACT INFO>. Txt STOP 2 QUIT, std msg chrgs apply

  • STOP: You are opted out of <CAMPAIGN NAME>. For more info, <”visit, call, or email”> <PREFERRED CONTACT INFO>. Std msg chrgs apply

Note: The text “visit, call or email” is dynamically generated based on the contact method you've selected.

Step 1.

Click Messaging from the main menu.

Step 2.

Click Mobile Settings.

Step 3.

Select your preferred contact method and enter your Contact Information in the field provided.

Step 4.

Click Update to save your settings.