The Trigger Messaging feature allows you to automate text programs instead of having to generate a message on a recurring basis. It can also expand the existing Time Delay and Auto Engage features.

Table of Contents

Step 1. 

Create your recipient list. This can be ALL of your contacts or a specific target list.  To create a target list, go to CONTACTS > TARGET LIST and set up the parameters to find the specific group of contacts you want to target with your message.

See Related Article: Contacts > Creating a Target List

Step 2. 

Next go to Messaging and click on Trigger Messaging.  

Step 3. 

Click New Trigger Campaign to begin creating a trigger program.  

Step 4.

Put in a Trigger Campaign Name. The description is optional. This will essentially become a folder that one or multiple trigger programs can be part of within the folder. 

Step 5. 

Click the edit button on the folder you just created in order to create the specific trigger program. 

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Step 6

Click on the New Trigger Time + Message button to begin creating your trigger program. 

Step 7. 

First you will begin by creating your trigger time. Start by selecting Trigger Frequency. This means how often you would like this trigger to attempt to send out a message. Each option has its own parameters that you will have to choose as well. 

For Daily, you will have to choose the recurring interval of days for your trigger.


For Weekly, you must determine the interval of weeks plus the day of the week or multiple days of the week you want it to run. 

For Monthly, you have to determine which months and days you want your trigger to run. 

Step 8. 

Next you will decide how many of these trigger messages will go out to an individual, which ranges from 1 in forever to no limit. You also need to choose what time you want the message to go out. 

Step 9. 

Now you will determine when your trigger campaign will begin and for how long it will run. 

Step 10. 

Lastly you will determine the action (which should always be sending a message unless otherwise specified) and who will be receiving your trigger message. 

Step 11. 

You can now hit Submit and go to the next component of your trigger program. 

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Step 12. 

You will now create your trigger message. You will notice this component looks virtually identical to creating a text blast or a campaign message. You simply determine your message type and begin writing your message in the text box. You can also use all of the advanced message options provided as well.  

Step 13. 

You can now click Save at the bottom, once your message is complete.

Step 14. 

Once you do this, the page will refresh and now your Save button has been change to Update or Done. If you are finished go ahead and click Done to be brought back to your trigger programs. 

Step 15. 

Once you hit done, you will be brought back to your trigger where you can review the details or you can come back and edit either your time component OR your message at any time. 

Note: You can deactivate a trigger, which will not erase your program but simply stop it from running until you determine you want to have it run again. To do this, click the edit button on the screen above and you will be brought into another screen where you can click on Trigger Time Active. Once you do this it will change to Trigger Time Disabled and will remain this way until you choose.

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