The drop and go program is a way to allow customers with files of patients, clients, etc. to send out a message as a batch through our platform. 

Step 1. 

Before you begin, you must request to make the drop and go feature available in your account. Simply email our support team and we will turn the feature on. Once it is activated, you will see it appear in the Messaging section of the platform. 

Step 2. 

Click on Drop & Go to open up the settings page. You will need a sample file in order to configure your Drop & Go settings properly. 

Note: When you are ready to save your file for use with the Drop & Go system, you MUST save it as a CSV file format ONLY. 

Step 3. 

Go through the Required Fields section and make your choices of the following: 

  • Enable Conversation Lock - allows the system to create a “lock” for the customer that receives the message so that a response by them automatically gets sent back to your account. 

  • File Contains a Header Row - This should be selected if you are going to label your rows in your document. It is recommended to use a header row and label each column clearly.

  • Mobile Number - This is a required field in order to send out a message we must have a valid mobile number for each customer. 

  • Keyword - This field can be used if you want the system to generate the message to the recipient. (This feature uses the #001 welcome message for the mobile campaign). 

Step 4. 

This section deals with delivery settings. Here you can set the column of data for a specific time and date that your messages will go out. Remember this means that you must have a time and date provided for each mobile number in the file you import every time. If left blank, then the system will send out the messages as soon as they are dropped into our FTP site. 

Step 5. 

The next area deals with options for custom fields. These are used if you have additional information that you may want to appear in the message, or upload into the system. 

  • The first option is used IF you want to generate your own message individually for each mobile number. 

  • Column Position - Refers to the column in your file 

  • Column Label - is what you put into the system. Note that the column label that you put into the settings MUST MATCH EXACTLY with information you insert into the message. For example if you write appt_date in the column label you must put ~appt_date~ in the message that you are sending out for the system to insert the information into your message correctly. 

  • Save to Contact Field - is used when you want to save the information being imported into the system. 


Step 6. The Multiple Phone Fields is used only when you have multiple phone numbers for contacts and allows the system to validate a phone number for each contact. This still must be mapped by telling the system which columns to look at the phone numbers in. 

Step 7. 

Simulated Voice Calling is a feature that can be used only if the numbers provided are landlines. HOWEVER this feature works with a third party so you will need to reach out in order to get this setup for your account. 

Step 8. 

Now that your settings are complete make sure to save as a CSV. This is the only file type that will be accepted into the ftp site. 

Step 9. 

To drop the file, you must first go to File Explorer 

Step 10. 

Clear out the bar that says Quick Access and replace with the FTP link provided in your drop and go settings. 


Step 11. 

Once you do this you will get a pop up that will ask for the username and password also provided in your drop and go settings. Once you do this you will see two folders appear.

Step 12. 

Now open another file explorer and find the file you want to drop into your ftp and drag the file into the open space of the ftp site with the two folders, (DO NOT try to place the file into one of the folders make sure to simply put it in the empty space BELOW the folders). The system will look at the file and will process accordingly. IF it is correct, it will go into the processed folder. IF there is a problem with the file it will go into the Error folder.  You can view the status of your Drop & Go file by going to REPORTS > DROP & GO SUMMARY.

Step 13

It is always important to confirm. You can confirm your file is processing by going to the Reports Section and view the Drop and Go Summary and Sent Log.