Step 1.

Select your desired delivery method. There are 3 ways to deliver a mobile coupon in a text message:

  1. ~coupon~ - Adding ~coupon~ to your message uses your existing coupon codes and inserts the unique coupon code in the text message. This method requires you to create/import your coupon codes FIRST.


    See Related ArticleCreating Coupon Codes (Coming Soon)

  1. *PREFERRED METHOD* ~redeem~ - Adding ~redeem~ to your message will create a unique link to the Coupon Widget, a customizable and mobile friendly webpage that displays the coupon and allows you to track the redemption of the coupon. This method does not require you to create/import individual coupon codes, but you will need to configure the coupon widget form & functions prior to its use. 

See Related ArticleMobile Coupon Widget (Coming Soon)

  1. ~share~ - Adding ~share~ to your message creates a special referral link that not only delivers the mobile coupon to the handset using the coupon widget, but also allows you to track when that coupon is shared, issued, and redeemed. Clicking this link will take a contact directly to the coupon widget’s share page, where they can share the coupon and view their share stats. This method does not require you to create/import individual coupon codes first, but you will need to configure the coupon widget form & functions prior to its use

    See Related ArticleMobile Coupon Widget (Coming Soon)

Step 2.

After you have created your desired mobile coupons, coupon codes, and coupon widget, including it in a message is simple. Regardless of what type of message you creating (interactive, text blast, trigger), select the mobile coupon of your choice from the Mobile Coupons dropdown menu within the Advanced Message Options Menu and use either ~redeem~~share~, or ~coupon~  in your message to pair the coupon with your text.

Note: The coupon pairing code of your choice ( ~redeem~, ~share~, or ~coupon~ ) must be in the message field along with a coupon selected from the drop down menu to schedule a text that delivers a coupon.  

Step 3.

Click the SubmitCreate Message, or Update Message button save your settings

 Watch: Delivering Mobile Coupons