For mobile marketing messages, having a double opt-in is an excellent way to verify contacts' consent to join a specific campaign by asking them for a confirmation response. 

Step 1. 

Edit your campaign and go to the tab called Opt In Management. 

Step 2

Choose between our standard filter options and creating a custom filter. To see the standard filter options, you need to click the NO FILTER button. If you want to create a custom option you need to select Custom Filter. 

To determine what type of opt in filter you need for the program you are creating, read the options below: 

  • Double Opt In Filter: Requires customers to reply Y in order to get a confirmation that they want to join your marketing text program. 

  • Age Verification 18: Used to ensure ONLY customers that are above the age of 18 receive marketing text messages. 

  • Age Verification 19: Used to ensure ONLY customers that are above the age of 19 receive marketing text messages. 

  • Age Verification 21: Used to ensure ONLY customers that are above the age of 21 receive marketing text messages. 

  • Custom Filter: This is used if you want to make sure only customers of particular states participate in your campaign. You can select the number of states by selecting the corresponding check-boxes. Customers will have to provide the initials of their state and only if they meet the allowed states will they be able to participate. You can also create a custom state and age filter. 

Step 3. 

Once your filter is selected you will need to set up your messages including an Instructions Message and how many messages should be expected a month. Don’t forget it is better to overestimate than underestimate the # of messages. 

Note: When you choose a standard filter option, there is a button for a sample message to be inserted. It is recommended you use this as a base and make simple adjustments where necessary. This guarantees your contact has been given the correct instructions on what they need to provide in order to be accepted into the program. Custom filter instructions must be created manually based on your filter requirements. 

Step 4. 

Put in a denied message, should the customer not meet the specific requirements they need to receive a message letting them know they cannot participate. A sample message is provided for you should you choose to use it. 

Step 5. 

Put in a maximum amount of attempts to access the program. Typically we recommend 2 attempts, that way it gives customers a second attempt if they did not follow the instructions correctly the first time. Feel free to use the sample message as well. 

Step 6. 

Once your messages have been created, click Add Filter and your filter will be set. 

Step 7. 

Close the popup in the top right hand corner and you will now see your filter has changed to reflect your new filter. You will also see a second filter option appear. You have an option to create another filter if you want your customer to meet several requirements to join your campaign. If not, your opt in filter is complete!