Use the settings available in the General Layout menu of the Coupon COUPON WIDGET to customize the widget background and company logo seen at the top of the page and in iPhone previews.

  • Coupon Widget Name - This is an internal name for your Coupon Widget. It is not visible to customers. Rename your widgets to keep track of how they are being used.

  • Widget Analytics & Re-Marketing - This field allows for the insertion of Google Analytics & Facebook Pixel IDs to track activity and re-target contacts with social media ads.

  • Page Background - Select a color or Image File for the coupon widget background.

    • The system provides a default image for the background

    • To change the Image click the upload icon to upload the file of your choice.

  • To use a background color, click Color and select the color of your choice.

  • Header Image - Use this section to hide or display and upload an image that will appear at the top of the Coupon Widget. This is generally used to display the company’s logo.

  • Webpage Preview Image - Upload a graphic that displays in the end user’s message thread when they receive a text with a coupon linked to the widget. 

  • iPhone Bookmark Popup - Displays a prompt on iPhones that suggests that end-users save the coupon URL as a desktop icon.

  • Hide Top Menu - An alternative access point to the My Coupons Page that is often referred to as the “Hamburger Icon,” the Coupon Widget’s Top Menu looks and operates more like a web page menu. This section allows you to hide or display and customize the look of the widget’s Top Menu. 


See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Overview

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Main Body

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Social Media Management

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Footer Buttons

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Coupon & Barcode Settings

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Location & Tracking

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Coupon Sharing

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - My Coupons Page

See Related Article: Delivering Mobile Coupons