The Waitlist System can be accessed from a second employee-facing kiosk, computer, browser-enabled POS system, or even a smartphone. The following instructions will show you how to access and use the Waitlist after you have completed the set-up process.

See Related Article: KCM Waitlist System (Set-Up)

Note: The KCM Waitlist System (Employee Interface) includes all of the Basic KCM functions in addition to functions specific to the Waitlist.  

Table of Content


You can begin using the Waitlist System right away from within your account by clicking the Launch button from the KCM settings page.

(Optional) Launch Check-In Manager. 

Click the Launch Check-In Manager button to open the KCM Waitlist System and enter your PIN on the pin pad provided.

(Preferred Method) Check-In Manager Link.

Each KCM is assigned a unique, case-sensitive, URL that can be opened on any browser. Opening the link will lead to the same pin pad screen mentioned above, where staff will enter their PIN to access the KCM Waitlist System. 

Note: After you open the URL on the intended device, save the URL as a bookmark or a shortcut icon on the device’s home screen. 

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The default landing page that opens after you've entered your PIN depends on whether or not the LIVE STREAM option has been turned ON for the KCM. After entering your PIN, the first page that opens will either be the Check-In List (Live Stream is OFF) or the most recent customer profile (Live Stream is ON). For simplicity, this tutorial will use a KCM where the Live Stream is OFF

See Related Article: Kiosk Check-In Manager (Basic Set-Up)

See Related Article: Kiosk Check-In Manager (Using the KCM)

In this example, Live Stream is OFF and our Data Sync settings limits employees to manually adding selected contacts to the Waitlist as well as allowing contacts to use the Waitlist Self-Entry.

Step 1.

Launch the KCM and enter your PIN. The KCM will open on the Check-In List. 

  • Contacts that have not been added to the Waitlist will appear with an ADD button.

  • Contacts that already exist on the waitlist will appear with a REMOVE button.


Step 2.

Click the Waitlist button from the KCM toolbar to view the contacts on the Waitlist.

Step 3.

All contacts added to the waitlist will display certain information. This includes the contact's name (if provided), their mobile number, their calculated wait time, their Waitlist status, and buttons that allow employees to send messages and complete the contact's Waitlist activity.  

  • Contacts added to the Waitlist appear with a Green background and gradually change colors from green - yellow - orange - red as their time on the waitlist increases. 
    •  GREEN  =  New Entry
    •  YELLOW   = +15 Minutes on Waitlist
    •  ORANGE  = +30 Minutes on Waitlist
    •  RED  = +60 Minutes on Waitlist 

Step 4.

When the contacts' table, order, or turn to enter is ready, click the SEND button to send the contact a message.  

Note: In order to send messages from the Waitlist, you must select a default keyword from the "Link Keyword to Send Messages" drop-down menu of the Check-In Manager Settings pop-up. To configure this setting and create Waitlist message templates, please return to the Check-In Manager Settings pop-up. 

The Send Message page allows employees to send a Free-Form message or send one of the Message Templates you've activated for the Waitlist. 

Step 5.

Send a Free-From Message - Click ENTER YOUR OWN MESSAGE to open a text field. Use the space provided to enter your message. Then click the Send Message button to deliver your message. 

Step 6.

Send a Message Template - Click one of the available templates. Then click the Send Message button to deliver your message. The ongoing conversation history with the contact appears in the Conversation column.

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Status Updates and Message Notifications -

  • When a contact has been added to the Waitlist, their Waitlist card displays their Status as "Checked-in"

  • When a message has been sent to a contact, the contact's Waitlist card displays a MSG SENT prompt 

  • If a contact replies to the text they were sent, their Waitlist card will display a NEW MSG prompt. Click the NEW MSG button to view the conversation history and send a reply.

  • If the contact uses one of the status buttons of the Waitlist Line Status page, their Waitlist card will display the new Status.

Waitlist Line Status page:

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Step 7.

Completing Waitlist Activity - Click the DONE button when a contact's Waitlist activity has been completed and their card will be moved from Active to the Completed section.

Step 8.

Clearing Waitlist Activity - Completed Waitlist activity can be cleared in 3 ways.

  • Clear Individually - Click the CLEAR button to clear an individual contact from the Waitlist. 
  • Clear All - Click the CLEAR ALL button to clear the entire Completed section of the Waitlist.
  • Daily Auto Complete - Use the Daily Auto Complete option in the KCM Waitlist Settings to clear any remaining Waitlist entries at the end of each day. When ON, the Waitlist automatically clears daily at 3 am PST.   


(optional) Step 9.

Back to Waitlist - Use the Back to Waitlist button to move a contact's card from Completed to Active.

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