The system provides every account with the ability to manage Account Level and Widget Level social media sites, giving businesses and contacts access to the sites that matter most to them. As the terms imply, Account Level settings automatically apply to every coupon widget for the account. Whereas Widget Level settings apply only to the specific widget where they are created. This document outlines how to access these options and configure the desired social sites for your mobile program. 

Note: Accounts with active widgets created prior to 4/12/2024 will need to use the upgrade button found within the Main Body menu of the coupon widget to activate the Social Media Management options. This action will convert existing social URLs into Widget Level settings that can then be customized for different icon shapes and colors.  


Upgrade Existing Widget

Step 1.

To upgrade the existing widget to allow for Social Media Management options, click Mobile Tools from the main menu, then click Mobile Coupons.


Step 2.

Locate and edit the icon for the desired widget.

Step 3.

Open the Main Body menu, then locate and click the UPGRADE button in the Social Media Buttons section.  

When this button is clicked, two things will occur. First, the Social Media Buttons section will be converted to the new Social Media Management tool.

Secondly, the existing social links are saved as Widget Level settings. Which can be managed within the widget itself, or within the Account Level settings. 

Follow the instructions below to manage the Widget Level and Account Level settings. 



Step 1.

click Mobile Tools from the main menu, then click Mobile Coupons.


Step 2.

Locate and edit the icon for the desired widget.

Step 3. 

Click the desired social site to EDIT it or click the drop-down menu to select a social media site to be created and then click the ADD SOCIAL MEDIA LINK button.  

Step 4. 

Use the available options to customize the shape and color of the icon. 

  • Widget Specific Settings - The settings shown here apply only to the widget where the social URL is active. 
  • Account Level Settings - Using these settings will create account level defaults for the selected URL that will be applied to any new widget where the selected link is activated. Click the LINK TIED icon to remove the social site from this widget. When more than one widget is using the same URL, they will be listed in the section. 
  • Account ____ Links - Use this section to add a new link for the same social site, or change the link to the site by selecting from alternate links that already exist in the account. 



Step 1.

To access the Account Level Social Media options click Mobile Tools from the main menu, then click Mobile Coupons.


Step 2.

Locate and click the SOCIAL MEDIA button.

Step 3.

Adding a New Site - Click the Social Media Sites drop-down, select one of the social media sites, and click the ADD NEW SITE button.


Step 4.

Use the space provided enter the desired social URL and click the ADD LINK button. 

Note: When the Account Default box is checked, the system will apply all formatting options to all widgets in the account where the specific Social URL is present. 

Customizing the Social Media Icons

Once the social URL has been added, the settings for the associated icon can customized to suit the desired brand color and style. 

The rounded bright green DEFAULT icon denotes ACCOUNT LEVEL URLs. 

Step 5.  

Select Shape Options - Locate and click the space below the Display column to select from different shape options available for the icon, then click the SAVE SETTINGS button to apply the changes.

Step 6. 

Select Color Options Locate and click the space below the Color column to select the desired color for the icon, then click the SAVE COLOR button to apply the changes. 

Step 7. 

Repeat steps 3 - 6 above to generate the new account level social icons needed. 


See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Overview

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - General Settings

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Main Body

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Footer Buttons

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Coupon & Barcode Settings

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Location & Tracking

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Coupon Sharing

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - My Coupons Page

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