The Coupon & Barcode Settings menu allows you to control and customize what customers experience when they click the redeem button on the widget. Use this menu to assign fixed and dynamic barcodes for your coupons. If the redeem button for the widget will be hidden, you can disregard these settings.

Redemption Timestamp, Expiration Countdown, and Coupon Expired Labels - This allows you to customize the header texts that display across the top of coupons that have been redeemed, are about to expire, and have already expired.  

Hide Description When Redeemed - This option hides the coupon description and title from view for every redeemed coupon attached to the widget.

Hide Countdown When Redeemed - This option prevents the countdown from displaying.

Countdown Options -  When active, the act of redeeming a coupon on the widget will trigger the display of a live countdown. This countdown represents the time you’ve allowed for the customer to present their coupon to a cashier who will then process the transaction (aka: a Redemption Window). Use the available options to choose how a redeemed coupon will display a live countdown until the redemption window expires.

  • Fixed Countdown - Upon redemption, the instructional pop-up message and the coupon will display a redemption window as determined by the Set Fixed Countdown option (see below).
  • Display Fixed Countdown w/ Coupon Expiration - Upon redemption, the instructional pop-up message will display the coupon’s actual expiration date and the redemption window as determined by the Set Fixed Countdown. Whereas the coupon will only display the redemption window as determined by the Set Fixed Countdown option.
  • Countdown to Coupon Expiration - Upon redemption, the instructional pop-up message and the coupon will display a redemption window as determined by the coupon’s actual Expiration settings.

Set Fixed Countdown - This setting indicates the number of minutes or hours until a live countdown ends.

Pre-Redemption Pop-Up Alert- When active, this option allows you to customize the pop-up message that instructs a customer on how to confirm their redemption.

  • To activate, click the YES option and then click the Update button at the bottom of the menu.

  • When the Pre-Redemption Pop-Up Alert is used in tandem with the Fixed Countdown option, you will be presented with one pop-up message field to customize.

  • When the Pre-Redemption Pop-Up Alert is used in tandem with the Display Fixed Countdown w/ Coupon Expiration option, you will be presented with 2 pop-up message fields to customize. 

  • When the Pre-Redemption Pop-Up Alert is used in tandem with the Countdown to Coupon Expiration option, you will be presented with 2 pop-up message fields to customize. 

Redemption Instructions - The instructions entered into this field appear after a coupon has been redeemed. This option allows you to provide simple instructions for your store clerk to perform when a customer presents their redeemed coupon.

Display Barcode - This feature displays a barcode or coupon code upon redemption which can then be scanned or manually entered at the point of sale.

Follow the steps below to activate & configure barcodes for the coupons attached to the widget.

Step 1.

To activate, click the YES option.

Step 2.

Hide Barcode When Expired - If you would like to hide the barcode after a coupon’s redemption window has closed, checkmark the box to select Yes.

Step 3.

Barcode Source - The barcode to be displayed can be loaded directly from the widget (Fixed) or from the individual mobile coupons (Dynamic). You will need to consult with your client or Point of Sale vendor to determine which Barcode Type is recognized by the POS IR Reader, then make a selection from the list provided and configure the barcode data accordingly.

  • This Widget (Fixed) - Choose this option if each coupon attached to the widget should display the same barcode.

    • Select your Barcode Type from the dropdown menu.

    • Enter the specific Barcode Data in the field provided.

    • Optional - Enter Alternate Barcode Data that will appear beneath the barcode itself.

    • Click the Update button to save your barcode settings.

  • The Mobile Coupon (Dynamic) - Choose this option if each coupon attached to the widget should display unique barcodes.

    • Click the Create button to format your Dynamic barcodes. 

    • Select your Barcode Type from the dropdown menu.

    • Barcode Data Source - Choose between applying one default barcode to each individual mobile coupon that is issued (Fixed Value) and enter the specific Barcode Data in the field provided, or generating unique barcodes for each coupon issued (Load Out Coupon Codes) 

  • Note: To “load out coupon codes” you must upload or generate the coupon codes that will be issued. 

See Related Article: Creating Mobile Coupon Codes

    • Click the Update button to generate a preview of the barcode

Note: If your account is utilizing a customer-facing kiosk with an active coupon page, then you may want to consider preparing your kiosk to also display the barcodes your customers receive.  

See Related Article: Digital Kiosk Wizard (Coming Soon)

Click the Update button to save your Coupon & Barcode settings.

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See Related Article: Coupon Widget - General Settings

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