The functions of the Location & Tracking menu are useful for accounts with multiple locations and an active redeem button on the widget. It allows you to add, edit, and track redemptions at participating locations. If the redeem button for the widget will be hidden, you can disregard these settings.

Use the steps below to activate and configure Location & Tracking for the widget.

Step 1.

To activate, click the Yes option.

Step 2.

Access Customer’s GPS Location - Your selection here will determine how participating locations will be displayed on a contact’s coupon. They can be displayed as a default list, or they can be displayed depending on the customer’s GPS location. 

  • When set to NO, participating locations will be displayed on a list regardless of where the contact’s phone is situated.

  • When set to YES, participating locations will be listed according to their nearest proximity to the handset.

Step 3.

No Location Found - Enter a message in the field provided that will be displayed when there are no locations found where the offer can be redeemed.

Step 4.

Location Search Options - Use the available options to determine how participating locations will be displayed when the redeem button is clicked.

  • GPS Enabled - Automatically select the nearest location - This option becomes available only when Access to Customer’s GPS Location is active. The widget will attempt to use the handset’s GPS coordinates to display the nearest location to the mobile device.

  • GPS Enabled - Show list of locations - This option becomes available only when Access to Customer’s GPS Location is active. The widget will list all participating locations, ordered by their closest proximity to the handset. 

    • If used in tandem with the “Automatically Select Nearest Location” option, the widget will display a View More Locations Near Me button that, when clicked, will display a list of all participating locations.

  • Provide a list of locations if GPS location is not available - If the end-user rejects sharing their GPS coordinates with the widget or if GPS is otherwise not available on the handset, the widget will list all participating locations in order of their store IDs.

  • Allow search by Store ID -  When active, the widget will display a Search by Store ID button that, when clicked, will produce a field customers can use to search for a participating location by their store ID. 

Step 5.

Optional - Hide Directions Button, Redeem Button, & Background Image - 

  • Directions Button - By default, each location added to the widget will display a Directions button that, when clicked, will produce directions to the selected location. Checkmark the box provided to hide the Direction button for participating locations. 

  • Redeem Button - By default, each location added to the widget will display a Redeem button, that when clicked, will complete the redemption process for the coupon. Checkmark the box provided to hide the Redeem button. 

    • Note: Hiding this button will functionally prevent customers from using their handsets to redeem coupons attached to the widget.

  • Background Image - By default, the background image used for the widget will continue to be displayed after the Main Body redeem button has been pressed. Checkmark the box provided to hide the background image. 

    • Note: When the background image has been hidden, the General Layout page background color will be displayed.

Step 6.

Customize Location Pages - Use the fields provided to customize the text of location page buttons and headers.

Step 7.

Add A Location - Click the "Add New" button to enter details for each participating location to be displayed on your widget.

  • Enter the location address in the fields provided and click the FIND button. A new pop-up window will appear.

  • Use the new pop-up window to include the Location Name, optional Store ID, and to drag the arrow tag into a more precise location on the map. When finished, click the Save Location button to save your location.

  • Once created, the locations will appear on a list. Click the edit icon for a specific location to revise and add more information to the location’s profile (ex: Social & Web Links).


The information you include for participating locations will appear when end-users click the redeem button on their coupon. 

Step 8.

Click the Update button to save your Location & Tracking settings.

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Overview

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - General Settings

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Social Media Management

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Main Body

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Footer Buttons

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Coupon & Barcode Settings

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - Coupon Sharing

See Related Article: Coupon Widget - My Coupons Page

See Related Article: Delivering Mobile Coupons