Often referred to as the “dual-screen solution”, the Kiosk Check-In Manager (KCM) can be accessed from any employee-facing kiosk, computer, browser-enabled POS system, or even a smartphone. The following instructions explain how to access and use the KCM after completing the set-up process.

See Related Article: Kiosk Check-In Manager (Basic Set-Up)

Note: The Basic KCM employee interface has different functionality when the Waitlist is in use. Please see the KCM Waitlist System (Employee Interface) for more information.


See Related Article: KCM Waitlist System (Employee Interface)

Table of Contents


Begin using the KCM right away from within the account by clicking the Launch button from the settings page.

Step 1.

Click Mobile Tools from the main menu.

Step 2.

Click Digital Kiosk Wizard.

Step 3. 

Click the pencil icon in the edit column of the Kiosk where the KCM was created. 

Step 4. 

Click the Check-In Manager button at the top of the screen to display the KCM settings pop-up.

(Optional) Step 5. 

Launch Tools - Click the Launch Check-In Manager button to open the KCM and enter your login PIN on the pin pad provided.

(Preferred) Step 6.

Check-In Manager Link - Each KCM is assigned a unique, case-sensitive, URL that can be opened on any browser.  

Note: After opening the URL on the intended device, save the page as a bookmark or shortcut on the device’s home screen for easier access in the future.

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The default KCM home page that opens after entering a PIN depends on whether or not the LIVE STREAM option has been turned ONAfter entering a PIN, the first page that opens will either be the Check-In List (Live Stream is OFF) or the most recent customer profile (Live Stream is ON). 

Check-In List -

See Related Article: Kiosk Check-In Manager (Basic Set-Up)

When Live Stream is OFF, the Check-In List is the first page displayed by KCM. By default, the Check-In List shows a running stream of the last 15 numbers entered into the kiosk. It also allows searching and access a contact’s profile.

  • Search - Enter a 10 digit mobile number in the field provided and click the Search button to pull up a contact profile from your database.

  • Details - Click the view icon in the Details column to view or edit the contact’s profile.

  • Today's Activity - Click the VIEW TODAY'S ACTIVITY button to display the entire day’s list of kiosk activity instead of the last 15 entries.

Live Stream - 

  • When Live Stream is ON, the profile of the last subscriber to use the kiosk will be displayed when you log-in to the KCM.

  • An active Live Stream will automatically display the profile for the most recent contact to use the kiosk. The profiles will automatically refresh, displaying the new contact information each time a new number is entered on the kiosk.

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Use the toolbar buttons at the top of the page to navigate the KCM.

  • Home - With Live Stream ON, clicking this button will refresh the most recent profile. With Live Stream OFF, clicking this button will return you to the Check-In List.
  • Employee - Indicates the employee/user profile that is logged in to the KCM.
  • Live Stream (On/Off) - From within a contact’s profile, click this button to turn the Live Stream On or Off.
  • Check-In List - Click this button to return to the Check-In List.
  • Waitlist - Optional waitlist management feature that can be activated for the KCM.
  • New Check-In - Click this button to open and use the buttons for the kiosk linked to the KCM.  
  • View Kiosk - Click this button to open and use a live representation of the kiosk linked to the KCM. You can use the Basic KCM settings to hide this button.
  • Report - Click this button to view a tally of activity generated by each employee/user.
  • Lock - Click this button to log out of and lock the KCM. 

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  • Contact Card - This section displays the contact’s name, status, date created, mobile number, carrier, and a button staff can use to send the contact a free-form message or templatized message.

Note: In order to send messages from the KCM, a default keyword must be selected from the "Messaging" drop-down menu of the Check-In Manager Settings. To configure this setting and create KCM message templates, please return to the Check-In Manager Settings pop-up.

  • Loyalty Progress Bar - The section displays the contact’s progress in the loyalty campaigns used on the kiosk linked to the KCM. The green flag/s above the bar indicates reward tiers and the blue flag beneath the bar indicates the contact’s current loyalty progress. 

  • Edit points - This section allows you to edit a contact’s check-ins/points.

  • Use the RED minus (-) symbol to remove points.
  • Use the GREEN plus (+) symbol to add points.
  • Use the Add Bulk Points button to adjust larger values
  • Click the GREEN Save Update button to apply your point changes.

  • Contact Details: The type of contact data that can be viewed or edited is determined by how the database is set up for the account, optional web-form field mapping, and employee/user restrictions.
    • Enter the appropriate information in the available fields and click the Update Record button to save changes.

  • Rewards: The rewards section of the Contact Profile lists available rewards from Newest to Oldest. Staff can expand the list to show more by clicking the More button. They can click the REDEEM button to redeem offers. And they can click the View Details button to view more details about the offer, as well as previously expired and redeemed offers and additional functionality.

  • Visit Notes - Use this field to log notes that will help communicate with the team about the contact (ex: Refund SCAMMER call management, they left their keys in the lost & found bin, etc..). Every note is stamped with the date/time it was entered and the employee profile used to create it. 

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Click the New Check-In button from the KCM toolbar to open and use the kiosk's active buttons.

Note: The active buttons and input fields available on this page are determined by how the kiosk is set up in the digital kiosk wizard. 

Step 1.

If more than one button is active click the desired button for the type of activity to be entered.

Step 2.

Enter the required data, and then click the Check-In Button.

Step 3.

After a check-in has been registered, the KCM will display a confirmation screen with additional buttons. These will allow you to view the Contact Details, perform a New Check-In, return to the Check-In List, and view the Employee Report (if active).

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Click the Employee Report button from the KCM toolbar to see the activity generated by each Employee/User profile. In addition to the Employee/User Name, the Employee Report will display the number of Check-Ins, New Customers, and Rewards generated by each user within the date range specified. Use this report and the Check-In Manager Activity & Ranking reports to create incentive programs and in-house competitions that drive activity and increase the size of your database! 

Note: Access to the Employee Tracking Report is determined by the KCM Set-Up. 

See Related Article: Kiosk Check-In Manager (Basic Settings)

See Related Article: Kiosk Check-In Manager (Manage Staff)

See Related Article: KCM Waitlist System (Set-Up)

See Related Article: KCM Waitlist System (Employee Interface)

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