The MMS Content Library is for uploading and managing Multimedia Content that can then be used for sending MMS messages. 

Step 1. 

Got to Mobile Tools and Select MMS Content Library. 

Step 2. 

Click on the Upload MMS Content Button to begin the process of uploading your content. 

Step 3. 

First fill out the MMS Message Subject. This content appears in the text message so make sure it is branded and relevant to the message that is going out. 

Step 4. 

Optionally, you can add a description, this will only be seen internally in the platform. 

Step 5. 

Choose from the content options provided. For ALL MMS Content make sure the file uploaded is LESS THAN 500 kb to ensure maximum delivery to handsets. Files larger than 500kb will likely fail on the carrier networks.

  • Image File:  Must be a jpg format
  • Audio File:  Must be in a mp3 or an iphone audio file must be .M4R
  • Video File:  Must be in a 3GP format
  • Animated GIF File:  Must be a .gif file

Step 6. 

After you have chosen the file to upload, click the Upload button. 

Step 7. 

Your MMS content is now available to be used on any MMS message you may want to send out.