This article provides the basics for setting up a redeemable coupon in the system using only the Coupon Details menu.  

Step 1. 

Click the Mobile Tools menu, then click Mobile Coupons. 

Step 2. 

Click the NEW MOBILE COUPON button. 

Step 3. 

Enter a coupon a Name. This should be something that gets customers attention. 

Step 4. 

Enter a Description.. This should include specifics about the offer, such as expiration date, exclusions, how to redeem the offer, and any additional details necessary. 

Step 5. 

Click the CREATE COUPON button to save the settings. 

Step 6. 

CONGRATS! The coupon has been created. Click the EDIT button to edit the coupon details or click the CREATE ANOTHER COUPON button to create another offer.


Step 7. 

Editing the Coupon - When editing a coupon, the first menu that opens is the Coupon Details. Use the fields provided to revise the description and activate an expiration date for the coupon. 

Coupon Validity & Expiration - Expiration Dates can be Fixed Date or Dynamic. 

The Valid Until Fixed Date allows for selecting a specific date and time on which the offer will expire. This is typically used for text blast or event based coupons. 

The Dynamic Expiration is typically used for welcome offers, loyalty rewards, auto-engage offers, and birthday clubs coupons, where contacts are sent an offer on different dates, but given the same amount of time to redeem them ( X number of days from issue). 

Coupon Descriptions & Messaging - There are several description boxes available. Which ones to use will be determined on how the coupon is going to be viewed and redeemed. 

The 3 description fields allow for 500 characters of text and are viewed by the contacts as follows:

  • Coupon Description: Appears when opening the ~redeem~ link sent in a text message, if the Redeem Widget Description is left blank. Appears on the kiosk's coupon page, if the Kiosk Description is left blank. Also appears on confirmation display AFTER a coupon is redeemed on a kiosk. 
  • Optional (Redeem) Widget Description: When composed, this field overrides the coupon description from appearing when opening the ~redeem~ link sent in a text message. Verbiage entered here only appears on the redemption widget, and is used to describe the offer and entice contacts to click links, visit social sites, and share 
  • Optional Kiosk Description: When composed, this field overrides the coupon description from appearing on the kiosk's coupon page. Verbiage entered here only appears on the kiosk's coupon page, and is used to entice contacts to redeem their offer.  

Step 8. 

Once the desired revision are made, scroll to the bottom of the section and click the UPDATE button to save the changes. 


Once the details are set, use the coupon's menus to activate additional settings and features such as coupons codes, coupon sharing, and referral rewards. 


See Related Article: COUPON SHARING


See Related Article: REFERRAL REWARDS